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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 6, 2021

Tập hợp link chia sẻ về Angular

100-days-of-angular: Angular 7 tutorial: Vọc vạch Angular:    Core Module: Jquery:

AddController vs AddMvc vs AddControllersWithViews vs AddRazorPages

  Points to Remember: Support of controller is available for all the methods. So, if you need only a controller then you can use any of the methods. The model binding feature is also available for all the methods. Model binding is used to map the incoming data to the controller action methods. Except for the AddRazorPages method, all other methods support the API Explorer feature. The API Explorer has used the list of all the available APIs in your application. Authorization is available for all four methods. Authorization is basically used to provide the security features, Again, except for the AddRazorPages method, all other methods support CORS. CORS is basically a feature that allows CROSS domain call. That means from other domains they can access your method using jQuery AJAX. The validation feature is supported by all the methods. Validation is basically used to validate the HTTP Request data. In .NET Core Application, we can implement validation using a concept calle