Chuyển đến nội dung chính

Stock Indicators

Skender.Stock.Indicators is a .NET library that produces stock indicators. Send in historical stock price quotes and get back desired technical indicators (such as moving average, relative strength, stochastic oscillator, parabolic SAR, etc). Nothing more.

It can be used in any kind of stock analysis software. We had private trading algorithms and charts in mind when originally creating this open library.

Explore more information:

    List of indicators and overlays
    Getting started
    Guide and Pro tips
    Contributing guidelines
    Release notes
    Demo site (a stock chart that uses this library)
    Contact us

Frameworks targeted

    .NET Core 3.1
    .NET Standard 2.0, 2.1
    .NET Framework 4.6.1

Website: Github

Nhận xét

  1. Keras.NET is a high-level neural networks API, written in C# with Python Binding and capable of running on top of TensorFlow, CNTK, or Theano.

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  2. Tutorial about using Keras:

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  3. Render ichimoku chart:

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  4. Two lines cut each other:

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  5. Javascript barchart:

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  6. Another stock library:

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